Availment Conditions And Procedures: Philhealth Employed Membership
The following must first be met to avail of your PhilHealth benefits:
- Payment of at least three monthly premiums within the immediate six months prior to confinement.
- Confinement in an accredited hospital for at least 24 hours (except when availing of outpatient care and special packages) due to an illness or disease requiring hospitalization. Attending physicians must also be PhilHealth-accredited.
- Availment is within the 45 days allowance for room and board.
Benefit availment procedures for outright/automatic deduction of benefits:
- Submit to the billing section the following prior to discharge from the hospital:
- Duly accomplished PhilHealth Claim Form 1 (original)
- Clear copy of Member Data Record (MDR).
- If dependent – patient is not listed yet in the MDR, submit applicable proof of dependency.
- Agree with your attending physicians on how much is left to be paid for their services over the professional fee (PF) benefit.
- Upon submission of all applicable documents, the billing section will compute and deduct your benefits from your total hospital bill.
For direct filing/reimbursement:
Submit the following to PhilHealth or through the hospital in addition to the documents mentioned earlier within 60 calendar days after discharge:
- PhilHealth Claim Form 2 (to be filled up by the hospital and attending physicians)
- Official receipts or hospital and doctor’s waiver
- Operative record for surgical procedures performed
For confinements abroad:
Submit the following within 180 days after discharge. Overseas confinements shall be paid based on Level 3 hospital benefit rates.
- PhilHealth Claim Form 1
- MDR or supporting documents
- Original official receipt or detailed statement of account (written in English)
- Medical certificate (written in English) indicating the final diagnosis, confinement period and services rendered.
Post availment reminders:
After the automatic deduction or reimbursement of your benefits, PhilHealth will send you (to the address you have indicated in your claim form) a benefit payment notice or BPN. The BPN is a report of actual payments made by PhilHealth relative to your confinement/availment.
Should there be discrepancies or if you have other concerns pertaining to your benefit availments, you may contact PhilHealth or your health care providers and bring the BPN as reference document.
source: www.philhealth.gov.ph
The information above was taken from their respective sources. I don’t own it in any way, I’m just sharing it to the people who might need it. On the date of posting the information given is the latest from the specific sources. Updates from the sources may not reflect to this post on the later date unless otherwise stated.
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