
Exam Questions For Seafarers Published By MARINA

Exam Questions For Seafarers Published By MARINA

Exam Questions For Seafarers Published By MARINA

Are you planning on taking the theoretical examination for OIC or Management Level for deck and engine department at MARINA? If so, what preparations are you doing to increase your chance of passing it? Did you know that MARINA released multiple exam questions for seafarers through their official website?

Yes, MARINA officially released guide questionnaires for seafarers that will serve as a reviewer for aspiring officers. Included in the guide questionnaires are exam questions for OIC Engine, OIC Deck, Management Engine, and Management Deck. These guide questions are also sorted by function which is great.

To download the guide questionnaires, click the following links (it will re-direct you to MARINA’s official website):

1.) OIC Engine Guide Questionnaires
2.) OIC Deck Guide Questionnaires
3.) Management Engine Guide Questionnaires
4.) Management Deck Guide Questionnaires

Maybe you are wondering why did MARINA released these exam questions and what are the reasons behind it. Please read the following excerpt from MARINA STCW Office’s guide questionnaire for seafarers to answer those queries.

The Annual Publication of Database of Questionnaires is mandated in Republic Act 10635 or the Act Establishing the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) as the Single Maritime Administration Responsible for the Implementation and Enforcement of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended and International Agreements or Covenants related thereto and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

These sample questions have been reviewed and validated by our respective Board of Examiners which may serve as a guide for the review of aspiring Marine Deck and Engineering Officers, towards the successful completion of the Theoretical Examination.

The following sample questions do not reflect the actual set of database of questions given during the theoretical examination. Examinees are encouraged to study the contained sample questions and probable answers as they are intended to give an indication of the format and difficulty level of the theoretical examination.

It is clearly stated that these questions are not the actual set of questions being given during the examination. If you have already checked the questionnaires, you will notice that in every question given there are four choices and no correct answer is stated. The questions are just guide so that examinees will have a basis on what type of questions they might encounter.

I believe this is a good move by MARINA releasing such guide questionnaires to the public. Even though there are no correct answers in the questionnaires, at least you now know what you should study more. The playing field is now fair for everyone.

P.S.:  I think it’s possible to answer all these questions if we help each other. If you know the answers to all or some of the questions you can leave a comment below or send me a message through the contact page. I will do my best in my spare time to compile it and post it all here for public access.

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